Keys to Hope and Healing Programme
post abortion healing for women and for men
6 step foundation programme (virtual - Zoom based)
private, safe, professional support
helping you through a painful taboo
options for next steps in your healing journey
"Abortion is socially acceptable, but no one talks about it. I thought I was pro-choice, but I had no choice. It's so nice to know I am not alone"
"This was a pivotal healing milestone for me. My husband attended the final session with me and we both grieved my abortions together."
"Men are affected by abortion too, although we are made to feel like we shouldn't be. I stuffed my pain down for a long time because I didn't know where to take it."
Start your journey
Release time
Create space in your schedule for yourself. A dedicated coaching session each week for 6 consecutive weeks. Be supported. Know that it’s ok to talk about it and you are not alone.
Begin to heal
Week by week explore the elements of your healing process. Share your story privately and in confidence. Find clarity and comfort. Freedom in forgiveness. There is strength in vulnerability. There is healing in being heard.
Breathe out
Bring dignity to the life lost through remembrance. Face the future with hope, one day at a time. Your healing has begun and you are moving forward into better.